Enhance Clinics Blog

Can my hair fall again after getting a hair transplant?

  • By: Enhance Clinic
  • 2022-04-06
Can my hair fall again after getting a hair transplant?

Many people are opting for hair transplants as a solution to their hair loss woes, owing to their ability to provide long-lasting results. If you are thinking to undergo a hair loss treatment in Mumbai. it’s natural that you have certain questions and doubts in mind.

As hair transplant cost is somewhat high, people want to be sure that their results will last. One of the common concerns that people have is whether they will face hair fall again after their hair transplant surgery. Here’s your answer.

Does Hair Fall Occur After Hair Transplant in Mumbai?

Yes, but only temporarily. A hair transplant surgery can be stressful to the scalp and the surrounding follicles. This trauma can lead to temporary shedding of hair after a hair transplant procedure, which is known as shock loss. It is a normal and expected part of the hair restoration journey and does not indicate failure.

Shock loss occurs around two to four weeks after surgery and can last up to three months. Once the shedding subsides, the transplanted follicles will resume their normal growth cycle and begin to appear thicker, denser, and healthier.

Avoiding Future Hair Loss After A Hair Transplant

The hair extracted from the donor area for transplantation is resistant to the hormone Dihydro testosterone, which is responsible for hair loss. Once implanted in the recipient area, they retain their resisting nature and continue normal growth. As a result, your transplanted hair is unlikely to fall out after the procedure. However, you need to take care of certain factors to avoid future hair loss after your hair loss treatment in Mumbai.

● Timing of Surgery:

Although your newly implanted hair will resist hair loss, your existing hair is still susceptible to pattern baldness. If you undergo your surgery too early, you might experience thinning of hair.

The best hair transplant surgeon in Mumbai will plan your surgery by taking future hair loss progression into account, and once your hair loss has somewhat stabilized, to ensure that you get long-lasting results.

● Choosing the Right Surgeon:

Inexperienced surgeons are more prone to making mistakes. They may end up extracting hair from non-permanent zones, choosing low-quality grafts, or making errors during implantation, resulting in graft loss and failure.

Therefore, you must do your research and choose the hair loss treatment surgeon in Mumbai. who has the qualifications, experience, and expertise required to conduct hair transplant procedures.

● Following Aftercare Instructions:

Aftercare is one of the most vital parts of your hair regrowth journey. You have to take proper care and follow all the post-op instructions provided by your surgeon. Any serious negligence may lead to the failure of transplanted grafts


You can be relieved that your transplanted hair will not fall off permanently after your procedure again. To minimize the risk of future hair loss, the best approach is to plan the surgery at the right time, choose a qualified and experienced surgeon, and follow the aftercare instructions properly.

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